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​Mental Health

SFI provides an array of mental health support services to help individuals reach their goals for recovery in a way that promotes wellness and takes advantage of personal strengths and dreams for the future.

Blended Case Management

SFI provides Blended Case Management services to children, adolescents and adults with a serious mental illness. Whether

your needs are at home, school, or in the community our case managers provide support wherever it is needed.


Features Include:

  • Referral to community and social supports

  • Coordination of care with both psychiatric and medical providers

  • Transition from inpatient setting to outpatient support services

  • Providing information and resources to local community programs

  • Facilitate positive communication between families and their local schools

  • Health and Wellness coaching

  • Advocacy and problem solving

  • On-call crisis support 24/7


Do you qualify?

  • Live in Centre County

  • Have a documented mental health diagnosis

  • Would benefit from support with mental health resources

  • Ages 4 to 104 qualify


Mental health case management is a free service funded by Medicaid or Centre County government. Please call to inquire about how you can link with one of our funding sources. 

Contact our Blended Case Management Supervisor at

814-234-6023 or

Young Man in Therapy

Community Residential Rehabilitation (CRR)

The SFI CRR's offer a voluntary, strengths based program for adults living with mental illness. Our residents have the opportunity to learn the skills needed to transition to more independent living. Services are provided in a supportive, home-like environment with the unwavering commitment that people can and do live full and complete lives with mental illness. 


Areas of Support Include:

  • Development of self-care and daily living skills

  • Mental health, physical health and nutritional education and maintenance

  • Financial management

  • Interpersonal Skills

  • Education and employment

  • Assistance in building natural supports

  • Medication management


To Qualify: Centre County Adult with a Serious Mental Illness (SMI) 

*Rent is scaled based on income


For more information, please contact us at 814-234-6023 or

Group Hug

Fairweather Lodge

The Fairweather lodge is a permanent living arrangement designed specifically for persons with mental illness who are active members of their community. Lodge members share in the day-to-day responsibilities of running a home and do so more affordably than if they lived on their own.​


Lodges are member managed and lodge members create their own house rules and manage their own activities.

On-site staff is limited as the goal of the lodge is to promote independent living with minimal assistance. Residents are responsible to pay rent, food, and share house expenses.


What are the benefits of living in a Fairweather Lodge?

  • The Lodge provides permanent, affordable group living while respecting one’s personal freedom.

  • The Lodge creates a supportive environment in which residents live, grow and learn from each other.

  • The Lodge encourages residents to take part in healthy, decision-making processes.

  • Lodge residents meet to ensure the upkeep for the home.

  • Lodge residents hold each other accountable for their actions.


To Quality: Centre County adults who qualify as low-income and have a Serious Mental Illness (SMI). 
*Openings are very limited


For more information, please contact our Fairweather Lodge Coordinator at 814-234-6023 or


*Rent is scaled based on income

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Strawberry Fields, Inc.

3054 Enterprise Drive

State College, PA 16801

Phone: 814-234-6023

Fax: 814-234-1439


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